Chiropractic Care/ Dr. David Pyne, D.C.
Chiropractic health care is a branch of the healing arts which is based on the scientific principle that our nervous system controls or influences the function of all 11 trillion interconnected cells in our body. The term "Chiropractic" comes from the Greek word "cheiro and praktikos" meaning "done by hand."
The Chiropractic or wellness model of health is centered on the philosophy that the human body will heal itself given the right opportunity. In other words the body heals from the inside out.
Just about anyone can be adjusted. Newborns, infants, children, seniors, even failed back surgery patients. Chiropractic care can treat a wide range of ailments. Including, back and neck pain, carpal tunnel, headaches, auto and work related injuries, and disc problems, just to name a few.
Adjusting approaches are modified to suit the specific needs of each patient. Dr. Pyne tailors your chiropractic care to your size, age, and unique health problem.
Chiropractic Treatments
Office hours by appointment Mon-Fri
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